Portfolio Management

How do I access my portfolio in KenTrade?

Upon signing in, please click on “Portfolio” to view your shareholdings in your portfolio.

What are the features available in KenTrade Portfolio?

KenTrade Portfolio provides an integrated stock investment dashboard to display your shareholdings for 3 exchanges – Bursa Malaysia “BURSA”, Singapore Stock Exchange “SGX” and Hong Kong Stock Exchange “HKSE”. At one glance, you will be able to keep track of your shareholdings, total share portfolio values as well as potential profits / losses on a real time basis. 

If I have purchased or sold shares, will my share balance be updated?
Shares purchased or sold will be updated on a real time basis.
Is the share price in my Portfolio updated on real-time basis?
Yes. The market price shown in the Portfolio is based on mark to the market’s last done price.
Can I modify the average share prices in my portfolio?

Yes, only for transactions involving share transfer-ins and adjustments of share balances due to Corporate Actions.

Please click on the stock in your portfolio and manually edit the price for that particular transaction. Kindly take note of the new average price that will be recalculated and available for the following day.